Tag Archive Strategy

ByFawad Khan

Role of a CIO in Digital Transformation

A CIO plays a critical role in Digital Transformation and although she is not the only C-suite executive engaged in Digital Transformation initiatives, she is one of the key leaders during the transformation journey that any organization may take on. Granted that Digital Transformation is not just about the new emerging technologies and using them, it is usually the IT department under the CIO’s leadership which is responsible for evaluating, trying, deploying, maintaining and supporting any new digital technologies in the organization. Read More

ByFawad Khan

5 key reasons why Enterprise Digital Transformation Initiatives fail

In this article I discuss some key factors which can play into Digital Transformation initiative failures in an Enterprise. I have summarized five key areas of concern for you to consider before starting your Digital Transformation journey. The five key areas discuss the basics, initiative scope, securing an external vendor, utilizing existing technologies and project management excellence.  Read More

ByFawad Khan

Innovation and Experimentation essential for Digital Transformation

In this article I discuss innovation and experimentation as an important part of any Digital Transformation. I will provide high level guidelines on building Innovation and Experimentation framework in your organization and then offer recommendations on leading successful digital transformation experiments. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Digital Transformation Challenges

According to a recent survey of directors, CEOs, and senior executives by the Wall Street Journal Digital Transformation risk is their #1 concern in 2019. Yet 70% of all Digital Transformation initiatives do not reach their goals. $1.3 trillion was spent last year on Digital Transformation and it is estimated that $900 billion went to waste. So, the question at hand is why do some transformation efforts succeed and others fail? Let’s try to analyze and understand some key factors which lead to Digital Transformation failures and how to avoid them. Read More

ByFawad Khan

The ‘How’​ of Digital Transformation

In this article I share my thoughts on the ‘How’ part of Digital Transformation including Organizational culture, using proper technologies, harnessing the Cloud, adopting accelerated innovation & experimentation, making right decisions for your people, technology, & processes, utilizing data and analytics to assess progress and calculating the ROI. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Digital Transformation demystified

“Digital Transformation” has been the industry buzzword for almost a couple of years now. According to the IDC report it is predicted worldwide spending on the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation of business practices, products, and organizations will reach $1.97T in 2022. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Innovation and Automation should be core pillars of any Digital Transformation strategy

Two essential ingredients of any Digital Transformation strategy must be Innovation and Automation. Both of these will help you move closer to the digitization of manual processes and tasks within your company. For majority of the digital transformation initiatives Cloud Computing will play a key role as an enabler and a catalyst. Numerous Cloud services from multiple providers are helping companies to automate business processes and manual tasks along with enabling them to run experiments to try and test new ideas before making decisions to scale these ideas to  production systems.

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ByFawad Khan

The Rise of Alibaba Cloud (AliYun)

A little history

Alibaba Cloud is an Alibaba Group company, headquartered in Hangzhou China and is the top provider of Cloud computing services in China. Alibaba launched its cloud business back in 2009, just three years after Amazon unveiled AWS. Alibaba Cloud or “AliYun” made an investment of $1B in 2015 to get more focused in competing with the big Cloud providers. The ROI on that investment is showing up now as  it is being ranked in the top five or six top global cloud providers list according to two separate industry reports. At home in China, it is the #1 cloud provider with over 40% market share along with Microsoft and AWS are which are in the top five list. Recently Alibaba Cloud made a big splash in the media with their recent cloud offerings to non-Chinese customers in Europe. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Just starting to work on your cloud strategy?

Most of the cloud strategy conversations tend to pivot around costs savings but that should not be the only factor you should consider when formulating your cloud strategy. Some key topics to include in your strategy discussion are security, resources required to configure and manage cloud services, monitoring and managing costs, governance and compliance. Let’s take on these key factors one by one to understand them a bit more in detail.

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