Role of a CIO in Digital Transformation

ByFawad Khan

Role of a CIO in Digital Transformation

A CIO plays a critical role in Digital Transformation and although she is not the only C-suite executive engaged in Digital Transformation initiatives, she is one of the key leaders during the transformation journey that any organization may take on. Granted that Digital Transformation is not just about the new emerging technologies and using them, it is usually the IT department under the CIO’s leadership which is responsible for evaluating, trying, deploying, maintaining and supporting any new digital technologies in the organization. Read More

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Fawad Khan administrator

I have 20+ years of experience in Information Technology, training, startups and strategy with last ten year's emphasis on Cloud Computing technologies and services. Topics of interest for me include Digital Transformation, Cloud, AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, Emerging Technologies, Education, Training, Leadership and other related topics. I am always very interested and eager to hear/discuss different opinions, feedback and perspectives.

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