Tag Archive Transformation

ByFawad Khan

Digital Transformation Challenges

According to a recent survey of directors, CEOs, and senior executives by the Wall Street Journal Digital Transformation risk is their #1 concern in 2019. Yet 70% of all Digital Transformation initiatives do not reach their goals. $1.3 trillion was spent last year on Digital Transformation and it is estimated that $900 billion went to waste. So, the question at hand is why do some transformation efforts succeed and others fail? Let’s try to analyze and understand some key factors which lead to Digital Transformation failures and how to avoid them. Read More

ByFawad Khan

The ‘How’​ of Digital Transformation

In this article I share my thoughts on the ‘How’ part of Digital Transformation including Organizational culture, using proper technologies, harnessing the Cloud, adopting accelerated innovation & experimentation, making right decisions for your people, technology, & processes, utilizing data and analytics to assess progress and calculating the ROI. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Digital Transformation demystified

“Digital Transformation” has been the industry buzzword for almost a couple of years now. According to the IDC report it is predicted worldwide spending on the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation of business practices, products, and organizations will reach $1.97T in 2022. Read More

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