Introducing my Enterprise Digital Transformation E-Book

ByFawad Khan

Introducing my Enterprise Digital Transformation E-Book

“Digital Transformation” has been the industry buzzword for more than a couple of years now. According to the IDC report, it is predicted worldwide spending on the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation will reach $1.97T in 2022.

I have just published an E-book on Digital Transformation on Amazon:  Enterprise Digital Transformation. It helps you Understand the What, Why, How and Who of Enterprise Digital Transformation. Learn about key factors, issues, challenges and pitfalls along with recommendations on how to successfully lead the transformation in your organization.

The book begins with the basic definition of the term and then jump into understanding the What, Why, How and Who of Enterprise Digital Transformation.

In the ‘Why’ part we recognize how business model evolution with potential of revenue generation, higher customer expectations and competitive pressures is forcing companies to embark on this transformation journey.

In understanding the ‘Who’ gets involved section a review is provided of key roles in an organization that are critical to the transformation strategy and overall success. This starts all the way from the top with the CEO to the rest of the C-suite. But at the end of the day it is not just these roles which contribute to the success of the digital transformation but the whole organization with all the units and people in them.

The ‘How’ part of the book discovers and discusses key factors such as organization culture which is by far the most important factor when considering transformation in your organization. Utilizing the key emerging technologies such as Cloud, Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Blockchain et. al. to operationalize your key business scenarios to create or improve new products, services or customer experiences. Using data analytics to understand the customers and your business during the transformation and measuring and communicating the ROI of all the digital transformation initiatives.

The book also examines the role of a CIO since a CIO plays a critical role during the Digital Transformation. Granted Digital Transformation is not just about technologies and using it, it is usually the IT department under the CIO’s leadership which is responsible for evaluating, trying, deploying, maintaining and supporting any new digital technologies in the organization.

Innovation and experimentation are considered key pillars of Digital Transformation. Guidelines are provided on building Innovation and Experimentation framework in your organization and then recommendations are offered on leading successful digital transformation experiments.

You may also run into many challenges during Digital Transformation. Common challenges and issues include absence of vision, dysfunctional organization culture, lack of executive engagement & sponsorship, insufficient budgets, and shortage of talent.

Throughout the book numbers and metrics are provided from different sources for you to understand the impact statistically. The book wraps up with doing a review of the key reasons of Digital Transformation initiative failures including overlooking the fundamentals, trying to take on too much as part of transformation, not picking the right vendor for the initiatives, not using the existing or older technology along with lack of project management thoroughness and oversight.

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About the author

Fawad Khan administrator

I have 20+ years of experience in Information Technology, training, startups and strategy with last ten year's emphasis on Cloud Computing technologies and services. Topics of interest for me include Digital Transformation, Cloud, AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, Emerging Technologies, Education, Training, Leadership and other related topics. I am always very interested and eager to hear/discuss different opinions, feedback and perspectives.

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