Tag Archive Digital Transformation

ByFawad Khan

Innovation and Automation should be core pillars of any Digital Transformation strategy

Two essential ingredients of any Digital Transformation strategy must be Innovation and Automation. Both of these will help you move closer to the digitization of manual processes and tasks within your company. For majority of the digital transformation initiatives Cloud Computing will play a key role as an enabler and a catalyst. Numerous Cloud services from multiple providers are helping companies to automate business processes and manual tasks along with enabling them to run experiments to try and test new ideas before making decisions to scale these ideas to  production systems.

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ByFawad Khan

How is Cloud Computing helping the Digital Transformation journey of many companies?

Cloud Computing is an enabler for all things which we knew how to do but we didn’t have the infrastructure or the computing resources to accomplish. With multiple Cloud providers out there including Amazon, Microsoft and Google with their global data centers and massive compute power, it is now possible for companies of all sizes from small to large enterprises to tap into that compute capacity and execute their Cloud strategy to enable their business scenarios. Certain key technologies which have gained prominence and become the industry’s buzz words lately include Cognitive Computing, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and Internet of Things (IoT).  These core technologies are playing a big part in helping many organizations in their Digital Transformation journey.

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