Tag Archive Leadership

ByFawad Khan

Wanting to innovate and experiment as a team?

Do you want to innovate and experiment? Here are some guidelines for you and your team to think out of the box to generate ideas to succeed as a team or an organization.

ByFawad Khan

What the children of Seattle taught me about leadership

We had family visiting and over the weekend we took them over to the Seattle Center. Our kids wanted to visit the Marvel comics exhibition in the MoPOP museum. After the museum tour we decided to take the kids out to the Playground right next door. What I saw and observed there was an interesting phenomenon at play and made me think about leadership development and skills. Few of the things that were taking place in the play area also apply to leadership principles and development within a team, organization or a company. Read More

ByFawad Khan

Adopt compassion and humility as your core leadership values

Although there are various qualities a leader should have, the two that I hold very near and dear to my heart are Compassion and Humility. Every time I think of compassion I am reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s (26th president of the United States of America) quotation about Care: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. These words have become the guiding light for me by which I conduct myself day in and day out. Compassion and humility are those key pillars of your leadership which will help you build really close and long lasting personal relationships in your professional environment. Compassion is when you show genuine care for others. When you conduct yourself with compassion, you will have people naturally attracted to you and want to work with or for you. Humility on the other hand will help you with people sharing ideas and suggestions openly to improve a product, service, business process or whatever you are working on. This is so because humble people are open to listening and willing to learn from others.

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