
E-Book: Enterprise Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation E-book

I have published an E-book on Digital Transformation on Amazon: Enterprise Digital Transformation. It helps you Understand the What, Why, How and Who of Enterprise Digital Transformation. Learn about key factors, issues, challenges and pitfalls along with recommendations on how to successfully lead the transformation in your organization.

Digital Transformation using Emerging Technologies book

I am super thrilled to announce the release of my book on June 25th, 2021. It is, however available right now for Pre-order on Amazon. It is a CxO's guide to enabling Digital Transformation, to transform their organizations, using key emerging technologies including Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and Blockchain. The book explores trends, business use cases, strategy considerations, challenges, and the future of these technologies to help you utilize them during your digital transformation journey. Azure Cloud services and tools are referenced throughout the book to provide usage examples.

University of Washington - Information School: Server-side Development

Server-side Web Development course

Server-side Web development using Python and Django Web framework. Understanding services, tools, protocols, best practices and techniques for implementing data-driven and scalable web applications. Building and using API, learning the fundamentals of Web scraping, deploying authentication systems, and using Azure Cloud with various Linux distributions, Docker Containers and Azure SQL databases to create modern apps.

Cloud Computing Training for IT Admins

IT Professional Cloud Certificate Program courses

Introduction to the Cloud services for an IT systems and network Administrator. Review the various major services provided by Cloud services vendors emphasizing Microsoft’s Azure, Office 365 and Amazon’s AWS. Emphasis on Virtual machine and App services to cover both core IT administrator and developer services.


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